Musical Ladder Success Series #2

The Musical Ladder Success Series celebrates Academy of Music student’s that have recently achieved a level on the Musical Ladder System.

The Musical Ladder Success Series celebrates Academy of Music student’s that have recently achieved a level on the Musical Ladder System.  In these interviews music students share their experience with the Musical Ladder and their music lessons.

J = Academy Director James
A = Drum student Aryan

Hello everyone, my name is James and we’re here with another series of the Musical Ladder Success Series. I’m here with a really cool drum student and we’re going to chat a little bit about his lessons and his experience with the Musical Ladder System and hopefully at the end he’s going to play a little bit for us.  So, we’ll get started.

J – What is your name?
A – My name is Aryan.

J – awesome Aryan and how long have you been playing?
A – I have been playing for about three to four months.

J – That’s very cool, and i know it’s pretty obvious but what instrument do you play?
A -drums

J – Awesome, good and can you tell me what the name of your teacher is?
A – Rob

J – That’s excellent, and what Musical Letter level did you pass recently?
A – Apprentice

J – Apprentice, and do you mind if I ask what it is that you like about the Musical Ladder System?
A – The trophies and the wristbands

J – The trophies and the wristbands and it’s pretty cool how you know you just you keep working towards those right?
A –  Yeah

J – That’s awesome! Aryan, what is your favorite part of music lessons?
A – Where Rob teaches me cool triplets

J – Yeah, triplets are amazing aren’t they? A –

J – That’s good and what’s your favorite thing about your music teacher rob?
A – cool grooves

J – Cool grooves are amazing and again that’s an amazing thing that you get to do as a drummer.  Piano players they do a lot of, you know a lot of melody and such but the drummer gets to lay down that awesome groove don’t they?
A – Yeah.

J – Did you want to play for us your musical ladder song that you played for your challenge
A – okay

J – Good you go ahead and do that

Musical performance

J – That’s awesome very, very cool.  I loved it!  All right, and it was very nice to meet you. Keep up the good work you’re doing!  This is James again from the Academy of Music in Georgetown Ontario with another Musical Ladder Success Series.  Have a great day!  Thank you
A – Thank you


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