The Musical Ladder Success Series celebrates Academy of Music student's that have recently achieved a level on the Musical Ladder System.
NewsletterMusical Ladder Success Series #1

The Musical Ladder Success Series celebrates Academy of Music student’s that have recently achieved a level on the Musical Ladder System. In these interviews music students share their experience with the Musical Ladder and their music lessons.
J – James
A – Amreen
J. Hello everyone my name is James, and this is the very first edition of the Musical Ladder Success Series! I’m with a ukulele student today who’s very excited and I know that she has passed a recent Musical Ladder challenge here at the academy of music in Georgetown. So, we’re going to take a few minutes to chat with her and talk about her experience here at the school.J. Hi!
A. Hello how are you?
J. Good, good, I’m going to ask you a few questions cool?
A. Yeah okay.
J. Good! What is your name?
A. I am Amreen.
J. And how old are you?
A. Five.
J. Wonderful and you play what instrument?
A. Guitar, but it’s called a ukulele.
J. Yeah it really is a ukulele and I really love the way it looks. That blue color that’s so nice!
A. I like it because I like it because it shows the ocean.
J. yeah that’s cool. That’s wonderful and who is your teacher?
A. Anthony.
J. Anthony, that’s awesome and can I ask you what musical ladder level did you just pass?
A. Number 1 I guess.
J. You passed, I believe it was a songbird, wasn’t it? Did you get a trophy?
A. Not yet.
J. I think it was songbird and so if that’s the case then you have a trophy coming too which is really cool.
A. I’m not sure if it comes today?
J. I’m not sure, we’ll have to check right? That’s wonderful and what song did you play for your Musical Ladder Challenge?
A. I’m not sure .
J You’re not sure? Was it Twinkle Little Star?
A. Yeah.
J. I’m pretty sure it was because we talked about it earlier remember? Okay that’s good okay, so then, can you tell me what it is that you like the most about the musical ladder?
A. Umm, where I get trophies.
J. You get trophies, that’s fun isn’t it?
A. Yeah.
J. That’s wonderful and what’s your favorite part of your music lessons?
A. Where I learn new songs.
J. You like to learn new songs?
A. Yeah.
J. What new songs have you learned lately?
A. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. And also, I learned one of the pages I don’t remember.
J. That’s good, that’s wonderful and do you like Anthony?
A. Yes.
J. Yeah, what do you like most about Anthony?
A. When he teaches me.
J. That’s amazing and my final question is, would you like to play the song that you used for your musical ladder challenge?
A. okay.
J. Okay then you go right ahead.
J. That was amazing, good job! Fist bump.
A. Thank you.
J That was wonderful, and this was our first episode of the Musical Ladder Success Series with Amreen. Congratulations and great job! Okay say bye
A. Bye Bye, see you tomorrow.